today i receive one photo from my fren and it is very random. why?? because it is one photo taken during some time in 2007 where i'm sitting for SPM and i think this photo is taken sometime near SPM trial ad.. and you c wat are my frens doing.. haih if parents know wat their kid is doing in the skol sure get heart attack wan.. haha
something funny come from my fren in a conversation about this photo ..
:: xiaoxiao :: > Life is full of surprise ...< style="font-weight: bold;">when is it ar?
:: xiaoxiao :: > Life is full of surprise ...< style="font-weight: bold;">close to SPM ad?
~SasSy giRL~ “犯贱!” says:
i dunno wor..
~SasSy giRL~ “犯贱!” says:
aiyo our gang, near spm or far from spm also like tat de la...
:: xiaoxiao :: > Life is full of surprise ...< style="font-weight: bold;">haha
~SasSy giRL~ “犯贱!” says:
do nth, some sit some jumping some running, some sleeping some laughing some counting time.
Haha funny rite, but is the truth, this is my class , u can c one girl lying thr like zombie drop dead ad others all walking around chatting, playing or taking photos .. HOWEVER, in this type of conditions all my frens in thr and my gang still score quite well in SPM.. muahahaha, Ohya did u notice another thing ?? the class is so empty .. haha dunno where is the others but i assure u, they are not in the library studying ... haha
credit: thx kit for this pic..
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